Why Jill Magoffin is the Doula You’ve Been Searching For

Having a baby is not for the faint of heart. Throughout the course of those 9 months, you constantly question yourself. Are you going to be prepared to make your birth plan a reality? What if you’re just not cut out to care for a newborn? What will the postpartum stage actually look like? While anxiety might be a natural reaction to such a huge change, remember: you’ve got this! Now, you just need someone there to remind you of this whenever you start to doubt. As a Los Angeles newborn photographer, I have gotten the chance to connect with some pretty amazing professionals. If you’re searching for a doula, I would love to tell you why I think Jill Magoffin might just be the person for you!

About Jill Magoffin

Jill Magoffin is someone who instantly makes you feel relaxed and joyful from the second you speak to her. Her warm personality is just one of many things that have made her a favorite in this area. Jill never intended to get into the birth industry and spent much of her career in the corporate world. After she attended the births of her family members and friends, she realized that she had found her calling! Today, she provides nonjudgmental and inclusive care across Southern California. She has worked with every kind of family so they could have an empowering birth experience. On top of her doula services and childbirth classes, she is a children’s author with a collection of stories your child will want to read again and again.


Before you book Jill Magoffin as your doula, you can schedule an initial meeting and decide if she’s the person for you. If so, you can book her services and count on around-the-clock assistance. You will have phone, text, and email access so you can reach her with all your questions and concerns. She will be there to give you answers and provide you with resources so you can head into birth feeling completely confident. She will be your advocate in the birthplace and will provide you with immediate postpartum support. Following delivery, she will plan two postpartum visits so you can process your birth experience and get some guidance through the tricky newborn phase.


In addition to her childbirth services, Jill offers postpartum day packages. With this option, she will be by your side to provide evidence-based support. She can guide you through breastfeeding, assist with light housekeeping, help you with meal prep, and even take care of your baby so you can get a little bit of rest.

You Will Adore The Expert Care And Support From Jill Magoffin

With Jill Magoffin, you will have exceptional care throughout your pregnancy and delivery. Schedule your meeting soon so you can decide if she’s the doula for you!

If you’re looking for more ways to be ready for your baby’s arrival, I would love to connect! I am a Los Angeles photographer, and I adore working with parents so they can capture the magic of the newborn stage. If you have been looking for your photographer, let’s chat so you can decide whether I’m the one for you!

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